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HOME  > 2017 August 30 - September 5
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2017 August 30 - September 5 [POLITICS]

Shii: PM should dismiss Deputy PM Aso who justifies actions by Hitler

September 1, 2017
Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo on August 31 at a press conference in the Diet building demanded that PM Abe dismiss Deputy Prime Minister Aso Taro who made remarks justifying Hitler.

Aso, who is also the Minister of Finance, recently remarked that what Hitler had done was wrong even though he had the right motives, facing fierce public criticism. He soon retracted his remarks.

Shii pointed out that Aso in the past said that Japan should learn from Hitler’s tactics used for constitutional revision. “It is obvious that Aso, as a politician, is somewhat in agreement with actions taken by Hitler,” Shii added.

Shii said, “Although Aso revoked his recent remarks, he showed no remorse. Hitler entered politics with the aim of increasing anti-Semitism which resulted in the Holocaust. Because his motive was based on a distorted ideology did the atrocity occur. Aso has no understanding of this point.”

Shii then said, “The post-war international order was established in line with the denial of militarism and fascism promoted by the Empire of Japan, Nazi Germany, and Fascist Italy. Aso, who denies this historical fact, has no qualification to serve as cabinet minister. PM Abe should give him the sack.”

Past related articles:
> JCP Shii issues statement denouncing Aso’s pro-Nazi comment [August 2, 2013]
> Aso’s ‘learn from Nazi’ shows his failure as politician [August 1, 2013]
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