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HOME  > 2017 August 30 - September 5
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2017 August 30 - September 5 [LABOR]

Zenroren takes part in fast food global day of action for decent wages

September 4, 2017
Calling for a minimum wage hike to 1,500 yen, union workers on September 3 assembled near Tokyo’s Shinjuku Station to attract public support for their demand.

This action was called for by the National Confederation of Trade Unions (Zenroren) as part of the global day of action in which low-paid fast food workers will take part across the world for better pay.

Using a microphone, union activists in turn stressed the need to raise the minimum wage to 1,500 yen.

Secretary General of the National Federation of Consumers’ Cooperatives Workers’ Unions (Seikyo-roren) Kiyooka Koichi said, “The results of the Zenroren survey on minimum living cost show that regardless of the region people live in, they need an hourly wage of 1,400-1,600 yen. In contrast, Japan’s current minimum wage level which is short of 1,000 yen is unacceptably low.”

Fujii Kumiko, who is a member of the youth group “AEQUITAS” working to achieve a substantial increase in minimum wages, said, “Let’s work to create a society where people can receive wages which allow for a decent life with an eight-hour work day and to win a minimum hourly wage of 1,500 yen.”

The Fast Food Global Action will take place in many countries mainly on September 4 in solidarity with U.S. workers fighting for a $15 hourly minimum wage.

Past related article:
> Young Japanese workers join in global day of action for minimum wage hike [April 16, 2016]
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