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2017 September 6 - 12 [POLITICS]

Japanese gov’t in response to UN expert rejects all concerns over privacy under conspiracy law

September 7, 2017
The Japanese government in late August submitted to the OHCHR a written response rejecting the UN expert’s concerns over possible violations of human rights under the conspiracy law, Akahata learned on September 7.

UN Special Rapporteur Joseph Cannataci in May, when a conspiracy bill was under Diet discussion, sent to Prime Minister Abe Shinzo an open letter in which he pointed out the possibility that if the bill is enacted, it will restrict rights to privacy and freedom of expression and will lead to the creation of a surveillance society. The Abe government neglected its responsibility to respond to the UN expert’s letter.

After leaving the situation on hold for nearly three months, the government finally made a response which denies Cannataci’s claim regarding the conspiracy law. On top of that, the government criticized the UN expert for making inquiries about the bill which was still being discussed.

Commenting on the government response to Cannataci’s open letter, Japanese Communist Party member of the House of Representatives Fujino Yasufumi said that the government revealed its reluctance to respond sincerely to the international community.

Fujino pointed out that the question raised by the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to privacy is equivalent to the public concern that the law to criminalize conspiracy may bring about constraints to free speech and a society where people are put under surveillance. He said that the government’s negative stance toward Cannataci means that it shuts its ears to the concerns of the general public.

The JCP lawmaker noted that the National Police Agency in its budget request for FY2018 doubled a counterterrorism budget to 6.9 billion yen from 3.3 billion yen in FY2017. Fujino said that this represents the government intent to fully implement the conspiracy law under the pretext of preventing terrorism.

Fujino expressed his determination to work hard to abolish the law in collaboration with grass-roots civil movements.

Past related articles:
> Abe gov’t has yet to respond to UN human rights expert’s inquiry about ‘anti-conspiracy’ law [ July 12, 2017]
> Abe gov’t protests against UN expert’s letter critical of ‘anti-conspiracy’ bill [ May 23, 2017]
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