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2017 November 15 - 21 TOP3 [POLITICS]

Shii: Abe’s policy speech is empty

November 18, 2017
Two weeks after the opening of the special session of the Diet, Prime Minister Abe Shinzo on November 17 delivered policy speeches at the plenary meetings of both Houses of the parliament.

At a press conference held in the Diet building later on the day, Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo commented on Abe’s policy speech.

Shii said that PM Abe looked as if he made the address “reluctantly”. The JCP chair went on to say that it is obvious that Abe not only had nothing of substance to say to the general public but also was not willing to hold discussions with opposition parties.

Shii pointed out that one of the major agenda items in the current Diet session is to find out the truth concerning the allegation that Abe used his power to favor the school corporations of Moritomo and Kake. Shii said that although Abe had repeated that he will response to questions regarding the issue “in a sincere manner”, the prime minister did not say a word about the scandals in his speech.

Shii insisted that Abe in his speech called the North Korea issue and Japan’s declining birth rate and the aging society “national crises” and pledged to handle them. Shii added, however, Abe stopped short of providing concrete measures to carry out the pledge.

Asked about Abe’s remark that the Liberal Democratic Party’s landslide victory in last month’s House of Representatives election means that the general public wants the government to go ahead with its policies, Shii said, “Public opinions expressed in the election results are mixed. Although the ruling block obtained a majority of seats in the Lower House, it does not mean that Abe will be allowed to push forward with his policies.”

Shii referred to the fact that in Okinawa’s Nos. 1, 2, and 3 electoral districts, voters chose candidates who oppose the Abe government plan to construct a new U.S. base in the Henoko district. He asserted, “These results clearly show that Okinawans are opposed to the government project. Even under this situation, the Abe government still intends to force through the Henoko project.” Shii stressed, “Voters did not give Abe carte blanche. If he implements his policies in a high-handed manner, he will face much public criticism.”

Shii expressed his determination to grill Abe on his stance toward national politics in question-and-answer sessions at both Houses’ plenary meetings scheduled for next week.

Past related articles:
> Revisionist-occupied Diet finally convenes session [November 2, 2017]
> JCP resolves to block constitutional amendment at opening of Diet session [November 2, 2017]
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