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HOME  > 2017 November 29 - December 5
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2017 November 29 - December 5 [POLITICS]

Military contractors give more than 130 million yen in donations to LDP in 2016

December 2, 2017
Japan's top ten arms manufacturers in 2016 provided at least 132.8 million yen in political donations to the Liberal Democratic Party's fundraising organization, National Political Association (Kokumin Seiji Kyokai), Akahata learned on December 2.

Based on the political funds report released by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Akahata calculated the amount of donations to the LDP from companies selling military equipment and arms to the Defense Ministry.

The value of contracts the DM Acquisition, Technology and Logistics Agency awarded amounted to about 1.84 trillion yen in total in 2016. The top ten military contractors accounted for about 52% of contracts. The total amount of DM spending on these orders increased for three consecutive years.

At the top of the list was Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI), making 330 million yen in donations to the Kokumin Seiji Kyokai. From MHI, the DM last year purchased Type-16 Mobile Combat Vehicles (MCV) and ground-to-air Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC3) interceptors. The MHI contracts totaled 453.2 billion yen, making up 24.6% of the total amount of DM contracts.

The DM contracted to procure submarines from No.2 Kawasaki Heavy Industries (KHI) Ltd. MHI and KHI procure all contracts for Self-Defense Forces' underwater vessels. The No. 10 Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd. (FHI) donated 30.6 million yen to the Kokumin Seiji Kyokai, and the DM purchased new Utility Helicopter-Hs from FHI for the Ground SDF.

Sources close to a munition-related trading house said to Akahata, "In the defense industry, MHI has increased its dominance. With the absence of strong rivals, the government order go to MHI in such work as maintenance."

Past related articles:
> Top 10 defense companies donate 126 million yen to LDP [December 4, 2016]
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