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2017 December 6 - 12 [POLITICS]

Shii criticizes Abe for blindly following Trump

December 9, 2017
With the special session of the Diet ending, the Japanese Communist Party parliamentarians’ group on December 8 held its general assembly in the Diet building. Looking back on the 39-day session, JCP Chair Shii Kazuo gave a speech.

Concerning Japan’s diplomatic stance, Shii said, “Prime Minister Abe Shinzo has been blindly following U.S. President Donald Trump. Abe’s attitude is putting Japan in harm’s way.” Shii demanded that Abe change his stance.

Shii pointed out that Abe has made no critical comment on Trump’s recent decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Shii said that Trump’s decision is outrageous as it violates UN resolutions and hinders the establishment of peace and stability in Middle East and added that Trump has faced much criticism from leaders of the U.K., France, Germany and other countries.

The JCP chair noted that Abe seems to have intent to give a nod to whatever Trump does, no matter how reckless it may be.

Shii said, “Abe should abandon his submissive attitude toward Trump and instead adopt a rational diplomatic stance to say what should be said to Trump.”

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