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HOME  > 2010 November 24 - 30
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2010 November 24 - 30 [SCANDAL]

DPJ illegally received donations from foreign organization

November 27, 2010
The Democratic Party of Japan had received donations from companies awarded contracts for public works projects in violation of the DPJ policy pledge and had also illegally accepted money from a foreign organization in the form of fundraiser ticket sales.

Japanese Communist Party lawmaker Inoue Satoshi revealed this on November 26 during a meeting of the House of Councilors Budget Committee.

Inoue said that the DPJ received 1.26 million yen in the form of the sales of fundraiser tickets from three building construction companies in 2008 alone. These corporations were awarded public works contracts amounting to about 7.1 billion yen in 2007 and 2008.

Inoue referred to the fact that when the DPJ was an opposition party, it submitted a bill to prohibit donations from companies awarded public works contracts.

Prime Minister Kan awkwardly responded, “I will offer a response after I ask party secretariats about the details.”

The DPJ also received 500,000 yen from a Taiwanese organization under the guise of purchasing DPJ party tickets in 2008.

Inoue asked the prime minister, “Isn’t this a violation of the Political Funds Control Law which prohibits donations from foreigners and foreign corporations?”

Kan answered, “I don’t know why and how this was done. It may be an error of some sort.”
- Akahata, November 27, 2010
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