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2017 December 20 - 2018 January 9 [JCP]

JCP Yamashita responds to Jordan's request for help on issue of US recognition of Jerusalem as Israeli capital

January 7 & 8, 2018
Japanese Communist Party lawmaker Yamashita Yoshiki, after U.S. President Donald Trump declared Jerusalem as the Israeli capital, accompanied the Upper House president's official visit to Jordan, Egypt, and Greece. (Dec.12, 2017 - Dec.17, 2017)

In Jordan, a Japanese delegation met with the king and the chairperson in both chambers. According to Yamashita, in all talks, their concerns included Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as capital and they requested for Japanese cooperation in persuading the U.S. to retract that decision.

Yamashita, during a meeting with the chairman of the Jordanian Lower House, said, "When I return to Japan, I will work to create an opportunity so that I can convey your request directly to Prime Minister Abe Shinzo."

In addition to the issue of the U.S. recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, the delegation talked about nuclear weapons issues with Egypt's representatives and about the debt crisis with the speaker of the Greek parliament.

Immediately after his return home, Yamashita gave Date Chuichi, the president of the House of Councilors, a request to convey the Jordanian request to PM Abe. Approved by all the delegation participants from the Liberal Democratic Party, the Democratic Party, the Komei, and Ishin no Kai, Yamashita's proposal was accepted. They will agree on the points made in the request and submit it to the Prime Minister.

Yamashita contributed an article to Akahata dated January 7 and 8, writing, "Japan, with Abe as its present leader who is attached to Trump and does not say to him what must be said, cannot meet the international expectations in regard to both the issue of North Korea and of Jerusalem."

Past related article:
> Shii: US Trump administration should withdraw its decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital [December 7, 2017]

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