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HOME  > 2018 March 7 - 13
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2018 March 7 - 13 TOP3 [POLITICS]

Shii at 3.11 rally shows determination to enact ‘zero-nuclear power’ bill

March 12, 2018
On March 11, the seventh anniversary of the Great East Japan earthquake which led to the meltdowns at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, actions calling for a Japan without nuclear power generation were carried out across the country.

In Tokyo, 5,000 people gathered in front of the Diet building and chanted, “No reactivation of NPPs!” This event was called for by the Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes (MCAN).

Misao Redwolf of MCAN gave a speech on behalf of the organizer and criticized Prime Minister Abe Shinzo for refusing to listen to the voices of the people. She said, “We need to renew our determination and work to make 2018 a year marking a turning point in Japan’s nuclear policy so that the country will move toward a ‘zero nuclear energy’ society.”

Lawmakers of the Japanese Communist Party, the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, the Liberal Party, and the Social Democratic Party as well as of the Democratic Party and the Party of Hope gave speeches. Representatives of the JCP, CDPJ, LP, and SDP, which two days earlier jointly submitted to the Diet a bill to do away with nuclear power generation, underscored the need to enact the bill.

JCP Chair Shii in his speech mentioned the four party-submitted “zero nuclear power” bill and stressed, “This is the first bill of this kind in Diet history.” Stating that he would like to show his heartfelt respect for MCAN which has opposed nuclear power generation and reactivation of reactors for six years, he said, “I believe that the antinuke bill reflects the voices of a majority of the general public. Let’s work together to enact the bill.”

Shii also criticized the Abe government for slashing its support for the disaster victims. He said, “We need to urge the government and the operator of the crippled Fukushima plant, Tokyo Electric Power Company, to fulfill their responsibilities until all victims’ livelihoods and means of living are restored.”

From the JCP, in addition to Shii, House of Representatives member Fujino Yasufumi and House of Councilors members Kira Yoshiko and Yamazoe Taku took part in the rally.

Past related articles:
> JCP promises cooperation for civil group-drafted bill to abolish NPPs [January 16, 2018]
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