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2018 June 6 - 12 TOP3 [JCP]

JCP welcomes historic US-North Korea summit

June 13, 2018
President Donald Trump of the United States of America and Chairman Kim Jong Un of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea on June 12 held the first-ever summit on Sentosa Island, Singapore. After the one-on-one talks, the two leaders signed a joint statement. The historic document announces the establishment of new U.S.-DPRK relations; efforts to build a lasting and stable peace regime on the Korean Peninsula; a commitment toward complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula by reaffirming the Panmunjom Declaration issued at the April inter-Korean summit meeting; and efforts to recovering American POW/MIA remains.

Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo issued a statement welcoming the first-ever summit between the heads of the United States and North Korea. The full text of his statement is as follows:

JCP welcomes historic US-North Korea summit

Shii Kazuo
Chair, Japanese Communist Party
Member of the House of Representatives of Japan
June 12, 2018

Today, President Donald Trump of the United States of America and Chairman Kim Jong Un of the State Affairs Commission of North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) held a summit meeting in Singapore.

According to the joint statement signed by the two leaders, Chairman Kim “reaffirmed his firm and unwavering commitment to complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula”, and President Trump “committed to provide security guarantees to the DPRK”. The statement also declared that the U.S. and North Korea “commit to establish new U.S.-DPRK relations in accordance with the desire of the peoples of the two countries for peace and prosperity” and that they “will join their efforts to build a lasting and stable peace regime on the Korean Peninsula”.

The Japanese Communist Party heartily welcomes the fact that the U.S. and North Korea, which have been in a bitterly hostile relationship for a long time, held their first summit with sitting heads of state and agreed to work together to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula, build a peace regime in the region, and change the bilateral relations to friendly ones.

This summit meeting has marked the beginning of a process toward denuclearization and the building of a peace structure. In order to achieve these goals, as the two leaders reconfirmed in the agreement, both countries need to continue negotiations, including summit talks, and make serious and continuous efforts to quickly and sincerely implement the agreement. We strongly hope that the U.S. and the North will put the stated goals into practice.

To denuclearize the peninsula and build a peace structure, collaborative efforts by the countries directly concerned and the international community at large are also needed. In addition, it is essential to strengthen public opinion and movements seeking peace and a world free of nuclear weapons. In particular, we demand that based on the Japan-North Korea Pyongyang Declaration, the Japanese government work for a comprehensive resolution of bilateral issues with North Korea – such as the development of nuclear arms and missiles, the abduction of Japanese citizens, and settlement of historical issues – and for normalization of diplomatic ties. Japan should also play a role by supporting and promoting the peace process that has begun. We argue that such efforts will open the way to resolving the abduction issue.

The JCP has consistently called for a peaceful resolution of North Korea issues through dialogue. Early in April, we called on the relevant nations to work to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula and build a peace structure in Northeast Asia in an integrated and phased manner. Recent developments prove that our proposal resonates with many efforts made by the related countries and is the only way to resolution.

If this peace process initiated by the Inter-Korean and U.S.-North Korea summits achieves success, it will be a major turning point in world history and drastically change the regional situation. The JCP will continue to exert its every effort to reach that end.

Past related articles:
> Shii at FCCJ speaks about JCP proposal for solving North Korea issue [April 19, 2018]
> JCP welcomes move to hold US-North Korea summit talks [March 10, 2018]

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