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2018 July 4 - 10 [SOCIAL ISSUES]

Justice Minister enjoys party on night before 7 death row executions

July 8, 2018

On the night before the July 6 executions of seven executives of the Aum Shinrikyo cult, including the Aum leader, Prime Minister Abe Shinzo and Justice Minister Kamikawa Yoko attended a party, contentedly eating and drinking with nearly 30 Liberal Democratic Party parliamentarians at a Diet dormitory in Akasaka, Tokyo.

This was revealed in a picture a party attendee posted on Twitter.

The Justice Minister, after the executions, told the press that she on July 3 signed the execution orders for the seven. Therefore, she was enjoying herself at the party knowing that the executions would take place on the following day.

What is more, the Meteorological Agency was warning the public in western Japan of a record rainfall while the party was taking place. The torrential rain, as of July 11, killed 111 people and many are still missing.

According to the tweet, this drinking party was called "Akasaka Jimin Tei" in a parody of high-class Japanese-style restaurants. The photo on Twitter shows that Justice Minister Kamikawa was sitting to PM Abe's right and all of those included in the photo were posing with their thumbs up.

An LDP Dietmember who posted the photo tweeted, "With PM Abe's attendance, the party was successful," and "I was busy taking photos of junior lawmakers and the Prime Minister and it was so much fun!" Their party came under fire after this tweet and the photo were posted.
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