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HOME  > 2018 August 29 - September 4
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2018 August 29 - September 4 TOP3 [SOCIAL ISSUES]

Citizens stage protest against Israeli defense expo in Kawasaki City

August 30, 2018

Shouting, “Merchants of death, go away!”, citizens on August 29 waged a protest against the Israel defense and homeland security expo which opened on the same day at a city-run facility in Kanagawa’s Kawasaki City.

The protest was organized by a civil group opposing the expo titled ISDEF Japan. In front of Todoroki Arena, the venue for the two-day event, holding banners and placards, 200 people assembled to appeal to the general public.

Civil group member Sugihara Koji pointed out that by using the importance of preparing for terrorism ahead of the 2020 Tokyo Summer Games as the pretext, Israel is trying to sell to Japan its “civil defense weapons” which were developed at the sacrifice of the lives and livelihoods of Palestinians. He said that this exhibition is taking place against the backdrop of the Abe government’s move to increase defense cooperation with Israel.

Asked whether it was appropriate for the city government to offer the use of its facility for the arms show, the Kawasaki city mayor earlier this month told the press that there is no problem because the city confirmed that dangerous objects will not be brought into the arena.

One of the protesters said that he entered the venue and saw pamphlets showing rifles and fighter drones. The man criticized the city government for supporting such an event.

A local resident stressed that it is pity that the arms fair was held in a public facility where children enjoy sports activities.

Japanese Communist Party member of the House of Representatives Hatano Kimie sent a message of solidarity to the protesters.
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