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2018 September 19 - 25 [JCP]

This week’s JCP international activities

September 22&23, 2018

Shii expresses his condolence on death of Vietnamese President Tran Dai Quang

Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo on September 21 sent a telegram of condolence to the Communist Party of Vietnam on the death of Vietnamese President Tran Dai Quang.

In the telegram, Shii recalled a meeting with Quang in Tokyo in May this year and wrote that the two exchanged views on various themes, such as working for the abolition of nuclear weapons, prospects for peace in northeast Asia, and further development in relations between the JCP and CPV.

Expressing his condolences, Shii also wrote that Quang worked for the nurturing of Vietnam’s social development, the promotion of the Doi Moi policy, and the Japan-Vietnam friendship.

Past related article:
> Shii talks with Vietnamese president [June 1, 2018]

Shii meets with Cuban CP international relations chief

Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo on September 22 at the JCP head office in Tokyo met with Jose Ramon Balaguer Cabrera, a member of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) Central Committee Secretariat and the head of its International Relations Department.

The two confirmed that the JCP and PCC will strengthen their cooperation in efforts to have the UN treaty banning nuclear weapons come into effect at the earliest stage possible as well as in efforts to achieve peace and stability in northeast Asia.

The PCC international relations chief said that he visited Hiroshima earlier on the day and renewed his determination to work toward the abolition of nuclear weapons.

Shii expressed his gratitude for Cuba’s cooperation with the JCP during the UN General Assembly in July 2017 which adopted the antinuke treaty. He welcomed the fact that Cuba became the fifth country in the world to ratify the treaty.

Shii and Balaguer exchanged views on the current situation regarding world peace. Touching on the U.S.-North Korea summit meeting in June this year, Shii explained to Balaguer the JCP position in support of the ongoing efforts toward a peaceful and denuclearized Korean Peninsula.

Those who participated in the meeting included JCP Vice Chair and International Commission Chair Ogata Yasuo and Cuban Ambassador to Japan Carlos Miguel Pereira.

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