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2018 November 7 - 13 TOP3 [POLITICS]

PM Abe's 'Trump 1st' policy is disaster for general public: JCP Chair Shii

November 9, 2018

Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo, in commenting on the U.S. midterm election results (Nov. 6 local time) in which Republicans lost their majority in the House, said, "An important new trend is arising in American society."

At the same time, Japanese Prime Minister Abe's "Trump First" stance is serving as the "worst-ever" stance to take for the people of Japan, according to Shii at a press conference on November 8.

Shii said, "President Trump with his 'America First' policy has been promoting xenophobia and policies against illegal migrants, and fueling divisions among people in America. He has been destroying the country's social security and medical care systems while generously giving tax breaks to large corporations and the rich. The election returns are indicative of opposition to these policies."

As to the election results, Shii also focused on two points: Many young people, women, and minorities engaged in grassroots campaigning which helped the Democrats to win, and pro-Bernie Sanders people, the Senator who calls for democratic socialism, are becoming a growing power.

Shii added, "The question whether America should continue to embrace the capitalistic social system has been spreading among the younger generation in the U.S."

In contrast, in Japan, Shii said, "PM Abe in the areas of politics and economy takes the 'Trump First' stance, proceeding with the construction of a new U.S. base in Okinawa against the local opposition and buying more American-made weapons as Trump has demanded. This is 'the worst-ever' stance for the people. Our party envisages a fundamental shift in Japan's politics from kowtowing to the U.S."

Past related articles:
> 1 year anniv. of Trump regime, Abe devoted to follow Trump [January 19, 2018]
> JCP Chair Shii issues statement on Trump’s presidency [January 22, 2017]
> Trump’s victory in US presidential election, high time to end Japan’s subservience to US [November 10, 2016]
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