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HOME  > 2010 October 27 - November 2
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2010 October 27 - November 2 [POLITICS]

Increase budget for culture: JCP Miyamoto

October 28, 2010
Japanese Communist Party representative Miyamoto Takeshi on October 27 demanded that the government increase the culture-related budget during a session of the Lower House committee on culture and sports.

Miyamoto pointed out that the budget allocated for culture in France account for 0.81%, Britain 0.24%, and Germany 0.39% while Japan earmarks only 0.12% of the total. He urged the government to increase the budget at least to 0.5%.

At present, the Japan Council of Performers’ Organizations (Geidankyo), which consists of groups of actors, musicians, and entertainers, is carrying out a signature-collection drive calling for an increase in the cultural budget to ensure more opportunities for the public to create and be exposed to performing arts.

Miyamoto stated, “An increase to 0.5% is a modest goal. The government should immediately respond to the Japanese performers’ demand.”

Minister of culture and sports Takaki Yoshiaki replied, “Though we are experiencing a tight fiscal situation, I think we must make an effort to realize a bigger budget for culture than last year.”
- Akahata, October 28, 2010
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