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2018 November 28 - December 4 TOP3 [SOCIAL ISSUES]

editorial  COP24 tasked with creating rules to achieve Paris climate goals

November 30, 2018

Akahata editorial (excerpts)

Nations from around the world are set to discuss what rules will be necessary to implement the Paris climate agreement at the 24th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP24, December 2-14, Katowice, Poland). Japan this summer experienced large-scale severe weather events including record-breaking heat waves. Exceptionally hot weather and droughts were observed also in many places around the world. It is pointed out that these extreme weather events are becoming more common most likely because of the global warming effect. The urgent need now is for the international community to gather together to tackle climate change.

The 2015 Paris Agreement states the goal of curbing an increase of the average global temperature within at least two degrees Celsius and preferably 1.5 degrees Celsius from the pre-Industrial Revolution level. The agreement also seeks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to effectively zero in the second half of this century. Under the agreement, each member country is required to declare its new reduction target by 2020 and review it every five years. In addition, the agreement calls for taking measures to prevent harmful effects from climate change and providing support to developing nations.

The main item on the agenda of COP24 is to build a consensus regarding rules needed for the implementation of the Paris Agreement. Discussions in preparatory meetings shed light on the points at issue, such as how to establish rules through consensus between major economic powers and developing nations as well as establishing financial support programs. Member nations need to make serious efforts to uphold and promote the framework of the Paris Agreement.

Another item on the agenda is the promotion of international dialogue for the stepping up of each country’s commitment to cut its greenhouse gas emissions. Even if all nations achieve their current reduction targets, it will not be enough to maintain a temperature rise within two degrees Celsius, most likely resulting in an increase of three degrees Celsius. This is why each nation is required to revise its reduction goal by 2020. In COP23 last year, “Taranoa dialogue” was launched to add momentum to the low emission campaign and this talk will continue in COP24 at the ministerial level. Parties should strive to set themselves a more ambitious reduction target.

Past related articles:
> COP23 urges Japan to move toward a coal-free future [November 19, 2017]
> Gov’t should stop promoting coal-fired power generation [May 16, 2017]
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