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2019 February 13 - 19 TOP3 [POLITICS]

Shii comments on S. Korean parliament chair’s remark calling for Emperor’s apology to comfort women victims

February 14, 2019

Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo on February 12 commented on a remark made by the South Korean parliament chair demanding that the Japanese emperor offer his apology to victims of the wartime Japanese military’s sex slavery system (the so-called “comfort women” system).

Asked by the press about the remark in the Diet building on the day, Shii first explained the JCP position that the Japanese government should apologize for the “comfort women” issue in an earnest manner. “In this regard, it is particularly important for Prime Minister Abe to express a wholehearted, face-to-face apology to the victims,” Shii added.

Shii continued to say, “However, the postwar Constitution states that the Emperor ‘shall not have power related to government’ and consequently, the emperor can’t deliver a formal apology to the comfort women victims.”

South Korean National Assembly Speaker Moon Hae-sang on February 7 in an interview with U.S. major news agency Bloomberg made the remark seeking Emperor Akihito’s apology for the issue of Japan’s military sexual slavery.

In the interview, Moon said, “It only takes one word from the prime minister, who represents Japan -- I wish the emperor would do it since he will step down soon.” He went on to say, “Isn’t he the son of the main culprit of war crimes? So, if a person like that holds the hands of the elderly and says he’s really sorry, then that one word will resolve matters once and for all.”

Past related articles:
> Japan should repair relations with South Korea based on remorse over its colonial rule [January 3, 2019]
> Japan-ROK agreement on ‘comfort women’ insufficient for victims to feel ‘real freedom [December 30, 2015]
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