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HOME  > 2019 May 22 - 28
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2019 May 22 - 28 [POLITICS]

Rally held to push Abe government to give up on increasing consumption tax rate to 10%

May 25, 2019

Seeking to thwart the Abe government’s plan to increase the consumption tax rate to 10% in October, opposition parties and a wide range of organizations and individuals opposing the tax hike on May 24 assembled in the Hibiya Amphitheater in Tokyo.

The rally was called for by the nationwide network, “Stop consumption tax hike to 10% in October”.

Journalist Saito Takao on behalf of the organizers delivered a speech. Pointing out that the regressive sales tax weighs heavier on lower-income people, he said, “Let us demonstrate the power of concerned citizens to block a higher consumption tax rate.”

Japanese Communist Party Secretariat Head Koike Akira together with representatives of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan and the Democratic Party for the People gave speeches in solidarity.

Koike said, “Opposition parties will oppose the 2% increase in the consumption tax rate as part of the policies held in common in each party’s election platform for the coming Upper House election. Let us force the Abe government to abandon the consumption tax hike through opposition parties/citizens joint struggles in the election campaign.”

Representatives of local anti-sales tax networks in Yamagata, Kyoto, Niigata, and other prefectures appeared on the stage. A representative from the local network in Niigata said, “Opposition parties in the prefecture recently agreed to put up a joint opposition candidate in the single-seat district in the July Upper House election. We will work hard to win the election in order to foil the planned sales tax hike.”

A female participant working at a medical institution in Tokyo said, “It is unacceptable for the Abe government to agree to purchase more than 100 fighter jets from the U.S. Tax revenues should be used to improve education and welfare services.”

After the rally, holding placards that read, “We can stop consumption tax hike to 10%!” “Now is not the time for higher sales tax rate!”, participants marched in demonstration through Tokyo’s famous shopping district of Ginza.

Past related articles:
> Gov’t admission of ‘worsening’ economy adds yet another reason to oppose planned consumption tax hike [May 14, 2019]
> 150,000 signatures opposing consumption tax hike to 10% submitted to Diet [March 21, 2019]

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