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HOME  > 2019 June 12 - 18
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2019 June 12 - 18 [POLITICS]

Criticism growing against PM Abe’s avoidance of discussions in Budget Committee in both Houses

June 13, 2019

Public criticism has been increasing against Prime Minister Abe Shinzo who has kept dodging his responsibility to attend Budget Committee meetings in both Houses of the Diet. Chief Cabinet Secretary Suga Yoshihide on June 10 at a regular press conference dismissed criticism by saying, “Prime Minister Abe doesn’t intend to refuse to attend those meetings.”

However, in fact, the Budget Committee meeting was last held in the House of Representatives more than 100 days ago and in the House of Councilors nearly 80 days ago. This is because the ruling block has continued to reject opposition parties’ request to hold meetings in both Houses’ Budget Committees which allows discussions on all critical issues regarding government policies. As a result, many important issues are yet to be discussed, such as the false data scandal involving the monthly labor surveys, the planned consumption tax increase, and Japan’s relationships with the U.S., Russia, and North Korea.

In addition, another issue has arisen. The Financial Service Agency recently published a report estimating that if an elderly couple lives to the age of 95, they will need 20 million yen to finance their retirement in addition to their pension benefits. The FSA report has caused much controversy.

The Constitution obliges the Cabinet to receive supervision by the Diet regarding its administrative operations. PM Abe, who is reluctant to answer questions in Budget Committee meetings, ignores his responsibility as the chief of the Cabinet.

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