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HOME  > 2019 September 11 - 17
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2019 September 11 - 17 [PEACE]

Japanese physicians against nuclear war will work to step up ‘Don’t Bank on Bomb’ campaign

September 15, 2019
The Physicians Against Nuclear War (PANW) on September 14 and 15 held its 30th meeting in Kyoto with the aim of increasing its efforts to promote in Japan an international campaign for a ban on loans and investments from banks and other financial institutions to the nuclear weapons industry.

The campaign entitled “Don’t Bank on Bomb” is being waged worldwide by the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize-winning International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN).

On the first day of the annual PANW meeting, Susi Snyder, nuclear disarmament project manager for the Dutch NGO PAX, and Chuo University Professor Mekata Motoko gave lectures.

Snyder, who is also a member of the ICAN international steering group, informed the audience of the need to inquire at their banks about the bank’s investment/loan policy. She reported on a case in Sweden in which a bank changed its financing policy in response to an inquiry made by three individual clients. The ICAN official emphasized the importance of working to prevent financial organizations, such as banks and pension funds, from funding companies associated with any aspect of nuclear weapons production.

Mekata in her lecture pointed out that in developed countries, more and more financial institutions distanced themselves from cluster bomb manufacturers in fear of facing a backlash from the public. She said, “So, I believe, we can succeed in having the financial sector cut its ties with companies involved in producing nuclear arms.”

Past related article:
> Resona HD: We won't give loans to N-arms firms [January 8, 2019]
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