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HOME  > 2019 October 16 - 21
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2019 October 16 - 21 TOP3 [POLITICS]

JCP and SDP agree to cooperate on forming coalition government

October 18, 2019

Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo and Social Democratic Party head Mataichi Seiji on October 17 had a face-to-face talk in the Diet building and agreed to work together to oust the Abe government.

This meeting took place in response to JCP Chair Shii’s call for opposition party leaders to hold negotiations toward establishing a coalition government consisting of opposition parties, following the last month's meeting between Shii and "Reiwa Shinsengumi" party cheif Yamamoto Taro.

The two leaders after their talk held a joint press conference and outlined the agreed upon points as follows:

The two parties will cooperate to bring down the Abe government in order to realize a coalition government; discuss policies of a new government based on a 13-item agenda agreed upon by the Civil Alliance and opposition parties; and promote electoral cooperation in House of Representatives single-seat constituencies.

Shii said, "I'm very happy with this big step forward and I'd like to advance the cooperative process further," and expressed his appreciation for the SDP's efforts in advancing the 4-year unity of opposition parties and concerned citizens.

Mataichi said, "All opposition parties must work together to face off against the entrenched power. This is our stance. So, our party decided to respond to Mr. Shii's call and today I talked about future cooperation with leaders of other opposition parties." Noting that the next general election will provide the opportunity for voters to choose a government, the SDP leader said, "Our party will make efforts to build a collaborative relationship in single-seat districts."

Past related articles:
> JCP agrees on cooperation with 'Reiwa' toward creation of coalition gov't of opposition parties [September 13, 2019]
> Shii answers questions about a coalition government initiative [August 28, 2019]
> Shii in 97th anniv. speech calls on pro-constitution forces to hold discussions on coalition government [August 9, 2019]

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