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2019 December 4 - 10 [JCP]

Shii talks with CPV Central Committee Secretary Thang

December 6, 2019
Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo on December 4 at the JCP head office in Tokyo held talks with Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Xuan Thang who heads the CPV delegation to the theoretical exchange meeting with the JCP and is also the Chairman of the Central Theoretical Council.

Shii welcomed the CPV delegates’ visit to Japan as well as the success of the two parties’ 9th theoretical exchange meeting held on the previous day.

Thang said that the success of the meeting will make a meaningful contribution to the 13th CPV Congress scheduled for early 2021. He went on to say that based on a long-term vision, Vietnam is working to increase per-capita GDP, reduce poverty, and promote eco-friendly sustainable development.

Shii explained that in the JCP Congress next month, the party will discuss a draft amendment to the JCP Program that will deal with the issue of countries that are “beginning a new quest for socialism”.

Shii recalled his meeting with General Secretary of the CPV Nguyen Phu Trong in Vietnam in December 2018. Shii noted that he and Trong agreed that the two parties will: continue to promote high-level talks; further develop theoretical exchanges; make joint efforts in international political forums to enhance peace and development in Asia and the world; and exchange opinions whenever necessary at the international divisions level. Shii expressed his intent to promote the two parties’ ties in line with the above-mentioned four-point agreement. In particular, he stressed the need to strengthen cooperation in the fields of the anti-nuke movements and the fight against climate change during such occasions as the NPT Review Conference in April next year and UN climate meetings.

Thang said that Vietnam is experiencing a sea-level rise and other detrimental aspects associated with climate change. He said that the CPV is willing to cooperate with the JCP to eliminate nuclear weapons and combat global warming. Noting that next year Vietnam will serve as the chair of ASEAN and a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council, Thang said that the country will play an active role in the international political arena.

Shii and Thang confirmed that the 10th theoretical exchange meeting will be held in Vietnam in September 2020.

The Shii-Thang meeting was also attended by members of the JCP and CPV delegates to the theoretical exchange meeting.

Past related article:
> JCP delegation in Vietnam [December 19-22, 2018]
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