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HOME  > 2019 December 18 - 24
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2019 December 18 - 24 [POLITICS]

Lawyers urge PM Abe to explain to victims about tie with shady business person who was invited to Abe-hosted party

December 20, 2019
Lawyers of victims of a dubious firm, the chairperson of which was invited to a tax-funded event hosted by Prime Minister Abe Shinzo, on December 18 demanded that PM Abe give an account to the victims regarding how and why the chairperson was invited.

As already reported by the media, the chairperson of a fraudulent multiple-level marketing firm, Japan Life, was invited to a Prime Minister Abe-hosted "cherry blossom-viewing party" in 2015.

The number of victims of this firm which is now in the process of bankruptcy totals about 7,000, mainly the elderly. The amount of fraud reached 200 billion yen in total.

On December 18, a creditors' meeting took place at the Tokyo District Court. After the meeting, victims' lawyers held a press conference and released a statement demanding that details of the issue be clarified.

Their demand is very modest: Please, Mr. Prime Minister, explain to these victims how the invitation of the MLM company's CEO happened. Whether PM Abe will side with the victims is attracting public attention.

According to the victims' lawyers, Japan Life used the invitation to the cherry-blossom viewing party to promote the company and solicit investors. The lawyers said, "Most victims were misled into believing that Japan Life is trustworthy."

In the first place, only people who achieved distinguished service or have made significant contributions can be invited to a prime minister-hosted cherry-blossom viewing party. The lawyers again said, "We'd like PM Abe to candidly give an account to the victims regarding how the person who had long engaged in dishonest business practices was invited to the prime minister's party."

Past related articles:
> Consumer Affairs Minister admits that head of disgraceful firm was invited to cherry blossom-viewing party [November 28, 2019]
> ‘Antisocial forces’ invited to Abe gov’t-hosted cherry blossom-viewing party [November 28, 2019]
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