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2020 May 20 - 26 TOP3 [POLITICS]

Koike: Gov’t should stay vigilant against coronavirus even after ending nationwide state of emergency

May 26, 2020

Prime Minister Abe Shinzo on May 25 at a press conference in the Prime Minister’s Office announced that he decided to end the nationwide state of emergency over the coronavirus pandemic. Accordingly, in Tokyo, Hokkaido, and three other prefectures waiting for this decision, social and economic activities will be allowed to resume for the first time since the emergency was declared last month.

Explaining the reason for this decision at the press conference, PM Abe boasted that all prefectures have fulfilled the “world’s strictest” criteria for lifting the state of emergency. He also expressed his intent to propose a second supplementary budget plan in order to protect the Japanese economy from the “once in 100 years” crisis.

Asked by the press for a comment on PM Abe’s announcement, Japanese Communist Party Secretariat Head Koike Akira said, “The termination of the state of emergency was accomplished thanks in large part to medical workers’ heroic work as well as to the efforts made by the general public in response to the government’s stay-at-home and business suspension requests.”

At the same time, Koike pointed out the possibility that another wave of infections will hit the country, and said, “In order to read the omens of the next COVID-19 outbreak and take proper actions, the government should be quick to enhance the nation’s PCR testing capacity drastically.” In addition, Koike stressed the need to strengthen the medical system and implement financial measures to achieve this.

Furthermore, Koike emphasized that the lifting of the state of emergency does not mean that the government is allowed to end its relief measures. Koike pointed out that the government should continue compensating for the financial losses of both individuals and businesses caused by the government’s stay-at-home and business suspension requests. He said that in the coming Diet discussions on a second supplementary budget draft, the JCP will urge the government to expand the PCR testing capacity, improve support for the medical system, and provide financial relief for everyone affected by the coronavirus outbreak.

Past related article:
>Shii expresses concern over partial lifting of state emergency without implementing drastic improvement of PCR testing capacity [May 15, 202]
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