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HOME  > 2020 June 17 - 23
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2020 June 17 - 23 TOP3 [POLITICS]

Shii protests the closing of Diet session without sufficiently discussing anti-coronavirus measures

June 18, 2020

The Japanese Communist Party, following the end of the 201st ordinary Diet session on June 17, held its assembly meeting in the Diet building with all JCP Dietmembers participating, and Chair Shii Kazuo at the outset protested the ruling coalition's stance of ignoring the opposition parties' request to extend the session to the end of this year and forcing through the parliamentary recess.

Shii said that the Diet, especially now, has an important mission to improve the country's preparedness for a possible second wave of COVID-19 infections while protecting people's livelihoods and businesses damaged by the first wave. He criticized the ruling parties for having forcibly ended the session apparently to fend off the opposition parties' questioning over problems within the Abe government.

He pointed out that public opinion, popular movements, and joint efforts among opposition parties "have brought about many achievements" under the coronavirus crisis situation, "urging the Abe government to change its reactive approach and take more effective countermeasures against the coronavirus".

Shii called on the JCP lawmakers to make all-out efforts to speak out about the inadequate response of the Abe government to the coronavirus pandemic so that measures, including the improvement of PCR testing capacity, the strengthening of the nation's medical care system and public health centers, the payment of compensation, and a drastic increase in the number of teachers, be implemented without further dealy.

Shii pointed out that the payment of the government cash benefits or subsidies is too slow and that politics, bureaucracy, and big businesses have cozy ties in dealing with the coronavirus epidemic. He expressed his determination to continue to set the misgovernment right.

Shii furthermore said that the opposition parties, while talking about visions for a post-coronavirus society, have begun sharing a common vision - the need to "shift from neoliberalism". He added, "The JCP will make every possible effort to reach an agreement among opposition parties on our cooperation and common goals in the next general election as well as on the establishment of a coalition government consisting of the current opposition parties."

Past related articles:
> JCP Shii & CDPJ Edano talk with young people on politics in post-corona world [May 30, 2020]
> Pushed by opposition parties, gov’t revises supplementary draft budget to strengthen anti-corona efforts [April 21, 2020]
> Opposition parties’ proposal for 2020 budget revision focusing on fight against COVID-19 rejected [February 29, 2020]
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