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2020 July 29 - August 4 TOP3 [LABOR]

First woman head elected in Zenroren regular convention

July 31, 2020

The National Confederation of Trade Unions (Zenroren) on July 30 ended its 30th Regular Convention which was held online for two days after electing a new leadership under President Obata Masako and Secretary General Kurosawa Koichi. This is the first time for a woman to assume the leadership role of a national trade union federation.

The Convention also adopted a new action policy for the next two years.

Delivering the closing speech, new Zenroren President Obata (All Japan Teachers and Staff Union chair) pointed out that the ongoing coronavirus crisis has clearly shown the importance of various demands long called for by Zenroren, such as the promotion of small-sized classes, better healthcare services, the creation of a society where everyone can live a decent life with 8-hour workdays, and a uniform minimum hourly wage hike to at least 1,500 yen. She said that Zenroren has a vital role to play to oppose the government and business circles intent to stick to neoliberal economic policies.

Obata said that based on a deep conviction on this point, it is necessary for all member unions to work together to realize Zenroren demands at the workplace and community levels. The newly-elected Zenroren president concluded her speech by saying, “As proposed in the new action policy, let us work even harder to overcome the current crisis and build a society which will make the best use of the Constitution in order to protect people’s lives and livelihoods.”

In the two-day virtual convention, delegates from various industrial and local unions reported on their experiences regarding the role of the labor movement in defending workers as well as the general public during the corona crisis. They also expressed their determination to work to achieve their goals and win a government change.

Past related articles:
> Union stands up against unfair dismissals by Udon-noodle chain under pretext of corona crisis [May 29, 2020]
> JMITU members urge their employers to secure jobs and wage payments during COVID-19 crisis [May 21, 2020]
> Limo company agrees with union to maintain employment [April 25, 2020]
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