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2020 August 26 - September 1 TOP3 [POLITICS]

JCP Koike on TV program: Now is time to establish a people-oriented gov't

August 31, 2020

Japanese Communist Party Secretariat Head Koike Akira on August 30 on NHK’s “Sunday Debate” program exchanged views on Prime Minister Abe’s resignation with representatives of other political parties, and said, “Now is the time to shift the direction of existing policies under the anti-people Abe government.”

Echoes of Koike’s view were found among the opposition party forces including the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan. They also criticized the PM Abe-led government for destroying Japan’s constitutionalism and democracy and increasing social inequalities. In contrast, the ruling Liberal Democratic Party and Komei Party praised PM Abe for his policies.

Koike pointed out that at a time when Japan is facing a mountain of problems, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, it is necessary to avoid creating a void in national politics, and stressed, “An extraordinary session of the Diet should be convened without delay.”

Meanwhile, LDP Secretary General for the House of Councilors Seko Hiroshige commented on the party’s leadership election which will soon be held to choose Abe’s successor. The LDP senior official said that a new party leader, who is also likely to become Japan’s next prime minister, will maintain PM Abe’s policy positions.

In reaction to Seko’s remark, Koike pointed out that a person who intends to attune to Abe’s political stance will not be able to alleviate the hardships the general public continues to face. Koike stressed that the need now is to establish a government that works to restore constitutionalism and democracy, focuses on betterment of people’s livelihoods, and works for the respect for diversity and the protection of individual dignity. Koike added, “We, opposition parties, have a responsibility to present voters with this government as an alternative to the Abe government.

Past related article:
> Civil Alliance discusses with opposition parties regarding cooperation in next general election [November 20, 2019]
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