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HOME  > 2020 September 16 - 29
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2020 September 16 - 29 TOP3 [POLITICS]

JCP calls for unifying opposition candidates in close-run constituencies to challenge ruling-party rivals

September 25, 2020
Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo at a news conference held on September 24 in the Diet building said, "With a focus on constituencies where opposition candidates and their ruling-party rivals are likely to confront each other, we opposition parties should jointly support candidates."

He made this remark in response to a question from the press corps about coordination with the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan (CDPJ) in selecting candidates in single-seat electoral districts in the House of Representatives election.

Shii said, "This has been already agreed upon between the JCP and CDPJ head Edano Yukio. Fielding united opposition candidates in hotly-contested constituencies will enable us to win in about 100 close-run districts."

He added, "In order to give momentum to our electoral cooperation, it is indispensable for opposition parties to reach an agreement to create together a coalition government consisting of the current opposition parties."

Shii said, "Only by showing voters our willingness to form a new government can we gain the strength needed to achieve a victory in the election. In that sense, it is very important for us to work on reaching an agreement on 'a coalition government' and on 'manifestoes of the government' plus 'electoral cooperation' as a package."

Past related article:
> Shii calls on reborn opposition party to work together to envision a new gov't [September 11, 2020]
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