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HOME  > 2020 October 28 - November 3
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2020 October 28 - November 3 [SOCIAL ISSUES]

Suprapartisan Dietmembers seek to have Diet declare climate emergency

October 29, 2020
A nonpartisan league of Dietmembers working on a climate emergency declaration on October 28 at its general assembly decided on a declaration draft calling on all Dietmembers to accept the globally shared recognition that the world is facing a climate crisis and to drastically strengthen efforts to create a carbon-free society. The lawmakers’ group seeks to achieve an early, unanimous adoption of the declaration in the Diet.

Japanese Communist Party Secretariat Head Koike Akira, who serves as a co-chair of the parliamentarians’ league, delivered a speech, and said, “To share awareness about the ongoing climate crisis as an emergency among lawmakers irrespective political differences makes the declaration extraordinarily significant.”

Pointing out that 46 municipalities in Japan made a climate emergency declaration, Koike said that a unanimous adoption by the Diet of the bipartisan group proposed-declaration will certainly encourage grassroots movements working to deal with global warming. He expressed his determination to promote nonpartisan efforts to give shape to the proposal in order to solve the global challenge of climate crisis.

The parliamentary league in its draft declaration pointed out that GHG emission reduction targets by all countries fall far short of slowing the rise in global temperature, even if achieved. It said that it has the same position as the international community viewing the issue of global warming as a climate crisis, and said that it will work to redesign Japan’s economic and social systems with the aim of creating a carbon-free society without delay.

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