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2021 April 21 - 27 [POLITICS]

Gov't considers applying war laws in event of Taiwan crisis

April 22, 2021
The Japanese government is considering applying the national security-related legislation dubbed "the war laws" in the event of a contingency occurring between the United States and China across the Taiwan Strait.

State Defense Minister Nakayama Yasuhide, in response to Japanese Communist Party representative Kokuta Keiji at a Lower House Foreign Affairs Committee meeting on April 21, admitted to the possibility that the security legislation could be invoked in a Taiwan emergency.

Under the security legislation, the Self-Defense Forces can provide logistical support to U.S. forces in combat areas if the government recognizes the situation to be a threat to Japan, and the SDF can exercise the right to collective self-defense if the U.S. military is under attack.

Emphasizing how dangerous this would be, Kokuta said, "Japan could be dragged into war," and added, "The strengthening of an aggressive militaristic approach to dealing with China will only lead to a vicious cycle in which a military action invites a military response."

Past related articles:
> Suga and Biden affirm strengthening of bilateral alliance to counter China and incorporate 'Taiwan' into joint statement for 1st time in 52 years [April 18, 2021]
> 5th year of war laws increases risk of being involved in US-led battles [March 29, 2021]
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