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2021 April 28 - May 11 [POLITICS]

JCP&CDPJ agree to begin discussions on electoral cooperation in general election

April 28, 2021
The Japanese Communist Party and the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan on April 27 agreed to begin discussions regarding electoral cooperation in the next general election.

The agreement was made in a meeting held in the Diet building between JCP Chair Shii Kazuo and CDPJ head Edano Yukio. JCP Secretariat Head Koike Akira and his CDPJ counterpart Fukuyama Tetsuro also took part in the meeting.

In the meeting, the two leaders shared the recognition that in the three national elections held on April 25, opposition parties were united in efforts to support joint candidates, leading to victories in all three elections.

Shii said, “Based on the success of the opposition parties’ unified efforts in the three elections, it is necessary to improve this framework so that each party will play its role more effectively.” He pointed out that an important point in political parties’ electoral cooperation is to maintain a relationship based on equality and respect for each other’s differences. Shii said, “Only by doing so can we, opposition parties defeat the Liberal Democratic-Komei block and its supplementary forces in the next general election and open a path for realizing a change of government.”

Shii proposed holding discussions to iron out a common political agenda and agreement on what a new government should aspire to in addition to strengthening electoral cooperation. Edano in his reply expressed his hope that the two parties’ negotiations will deal with various issues agreed upon by the two parties.

At a press conference after the meeting, Shii said that based on the successful results in the latest three elections, the JCP and the CDPJ agreed to hold negotiations on electoral cooperation in the next general election, which is a big step for the two parties. He also expressed his determination to make the agreement bear fruit.

Past related article:
> Joint opposition candidates beat LDP in 3 national elections [April 26, 2021]

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