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2021 May 12 - 18 [SOCIAL ISSUES]

Union asks for JCP cooperation to push gov’t to compensate hospitals for coronavirus-caused loss of earnings

May 14, 2021
Members of a union organizing workers at hospitals funded by the Japan Agricultural Co-operative group or the JA on May 13 met with Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo in the Diet building, asking for JCP cooperation in pushing the government to provide compensation for hospitals’ loss of earnings due to the pandemic.

In the meeting, the JA-funded hospital workers’ union (Zenkoro) pointed out that amid the pandemic, like workers at other hospitals, workers at JA-funded hospitals across Japan are experiencing unprecedented levels of stress. The union also pointed out that under a situation where many hospitals are facing financial difficulties caused by coronavirus-induced drops in the number of outpatients and inpatients, some workers quit their jobs after suffering cuts in bonuses. The union appealed the need for financial support such as compensation for loss of earnings.

Zenkoro Secretary General Matsuo Akira said, “One-third of union branches reported that summer bonus was not paid last summer. Public hospitals play a role in providing unprofitable but necessary healthcare services, including providing medical services to residents in rural areas, dealing with medical emergencies, and accepting pediatric patients. Public support is vital for the continuation of provision of healthcare at such hospitals.”

Shii in response criticized the Suga government for still turning its back on the need for payment of compensation for hospitals’ income loss. He said, “Loss of earnings in all community healthcare facilities should be covered regardless of whether they accept COVID-19 patients,” and expressed his determination to work together with the union to achieve this.

Past related articles:
> JCP Koike demands that earning losses in all community healthcare facilities be covered [January 23, 2021]
> Medical workers will suffer 10% cut in winter bonus despite their heroic fight against COVID-19 [November 26, 2020]
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