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2010 June 2 - 8 [POLITICS]

Hatoyama steps down as prime minister

June 3, 2010
Prime Minister Hatoyama Yukio announced his resignation at the Democratic Party of Japan’s Diet members group meeting on June 2.

The Hatoyama Cabinet ended only eight and a half months after it was inaugurated as a result of voters’ anger in the 2009 general election which put an end to the Liberal Democratic-Komei government.

As reasons for his resignation, Hatoyama cited the relocation of the U.S. Marine Corps Futenma Air Station in Okinawa and the money-politics scandals. However, regarding the Futenma base relocation issue, Hatoyama repeatedly expressed his position of putting a high priority on the Japan-U.S. alliance by saying, “Relations of trust between Japan and the U.S. must be maintained.” He refused to withdraw the government decision to move the Futenma base to the Henoko district in Nago City in Okinawa which was made based on the Japan-U.S. agreement.

As for the “money-politics” corruption scandals, Hatoyama only stated, “Let’s restore our reputation as the ‘clean DPJ’,” and showed no intention to reveal the truth behind the allegations.

After the meeting, DPJ Secretary General Ozawa Ichiro as well as all DPJ leadership members expressed their decision to resign their positions.
- Akahata, June 3, 2010
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