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2021 October 13 - 19 TOP3 [POLITICS]

Shii to electorate: Let’s establish pro-people gov’t in general election

October 15, 2021

The Prime Minister Kishida-led Cabinet on October 14 dissolved the House of Representatives. All political parties effectively started political campaigns that will last just 17 days before a general election will be held on the last day of this month.

Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo, later on the day at a street speech rally held near Tokyo’s JR Ikebukuro Station, appealed to the audience, “Let’s put an end to the Liberal Democratic-Komei coalition government and establish a pro-people government!” The speech rally was posted live on YouTube and obtained more than 10,000 views.

In his speech, Shii explained that in the JCP election platform, it proposes to transform neoliberal policies into ones valuing people’s lives and livelihoods; tackle the climate crisis; realize a gender equal Japan; and realize a peace diplomacy making the best use of Article 9 of the Constitution.

Shii stressed that the JCP will work hard for victory in single-seat constituencies where the party jointly with the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan will field candidates. In addition, emphasizing the importance of a major JCP advance in order to establish a coalition government of opposition parties, Shii expressed his determination to increase voters’ support for the JCP in proportional representation blocs.

Among the audience, a 26-year-old woman who took part in a JCP street speech rally for the first time said, “I got a good impression of the JCP from the campaign posters focusing on promoting gender equality and the elimination of discrimination. I also agree with the JCP call for introducing a selective dual surname system. From the viewpoint of gender equality, the JCP is most reliable as it has many women Dietmembers.”

Two high school boys from Kanagawa Prefecture video recorded the rally on their smartphones. They said, “Regarding COVID countermeasures, our demands closely match the JCP’s proposal to increase the number of workers at public health centers and expand the PCR testing capacity. As for measures to address climate change, we agree with the JCP call to reduce CO2 emissions through ending coal-fired thermal power generation. We also support the JCP’s stance to withdraw from nuclear power generation.” Furthermore, they said, “We are interested in socialism. We think the JCP’s suggestion regarding the need for a distribution of wealth is right on target.”

Past related article:
> JCP election platform presents outlook for Japan after a change in government [October 12, 2021]
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