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2021 October 13 - 19 [POLITICS]

Koike in TV debate on election issues explains JCP platform

October 18, 2021

Japanese Communist Party Secretariat Head Koike Akira on October 17, two days before the official start of the general election campaign, debated key election issues, namely, COVID countermeasures, economic policy, and climate change policy, with representatives of eight political parties, including the Liberal Democratic Party, on NHK’s “Sunday Debate” program.

The program first asked what issue the nine political parties will focus on to appeal to voters.

LDP Secretary General Amari Akira said, “There is a concern that if a government which the JCP cooperates with is established, its decision-making process would be influenced by the JCP position. In this context, the LDP will call on voters to determine whether such a government would be acceptable.”

Refuting Amari, Koike said, “The JCP concluded an accord with the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan on the formation of a non-cabinet alliance only for the purpose of implementing the 20-item ‘common policies’ agreed upon between the JCP, the CDPJ, the Social Democratic Party, and the Reiwa party. Furthermore, the JCP promises to not force the party’s stance on certain controversial issues onto a new government.” Criticizing the LDP-Komei coalition government for essentially destroying democracy, Koike said, “In the coming election, we will call on voters to support our call for replacing such a government.”

In a debate on measures to deal with the pandemic, Koike argued that at a time when the number of new COVID-19 cases is on a downward trend, the need is, in combination with the promotion of the vaccine rollout program, to introduce a system which provides free PCR tests to those who wish to have them. Koike then explained the party’s proposals, including doubling the nation’s spending on infectious disease hospital beds and public health centers, cancelling the plan to reduce the number of hospital beds and public hospitals, providing cash benefits to struggling individuals and businesses, and lowering the consumption tax rate to 5%.

In a debate on economic policies, asked about Prime Minister Kishida’s policy of establishing a new direction in capitalism, Koike said, “His policy shows no difference from ex-PM Abe’s economic policies dubbed ‘Abenomics’ which increased poverty and inequalities.” He said that in the election campaign, the JCP will work to attract voters’ support for the party’s call for changing government policies to ones aimed at increasing the number of regular workers, eliminating the gender gap in wages, improving medical and welfare services, and imposing a fair share of taxes on large corporations and the wealthy.

Regarding the issue of the fight against climate change, Koike explained the JCP 2030 strategy. He said, “The party’s initiative will create many jobs and lead to an economy that revitalizes local economies and benefits the earth.”

Past related articles:
> JCP agrees with CDPJ to form limited non-cabinet alliance [October 1, 2021]
> JCP publishes strategy to tackle climate crisis as part of platform for forthcoming general election [September 2, 2021]
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