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2021 October 20 - 26 TOP3 [POLITICS]

Diplomacy is the most realistic option to avoid missile launches

October 26, 2021

Appearing on an NHK debate program on October 24, Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo pointed out that the most realistic option to stop North Korea from launching missiles is to work out a "diplomatic resolution" and that "there are conditions to be met" to achieve that end.

Shii said that the U.S.-South Korea summit meeting in May of this year reaffirmed the validity of the 2018 Seoul-Pyongyang "Panmunjom Declaration" to advance the formulation of a peace structure in and denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula as well as the Washington-Pyongyang "Singapore Joint Statement", and that both the U.S. and South Korea intend to resolve the North Korean issue in a diplomatic manner. Shii emphasized, "Japan should provide a boost to further this effort."

However, the Liberal Democratic Party is seeking Japan's possession of "the capability to attack enemy bases" and to "intercept ballistic missiles" with North Korea's ballistic missiles in mind, and the "Nippon Ishin no Kai" party is following suit.

Ballistic missiles are, however, becoming "old" weapons. At present, nuclear states are developing "hypersonic" weapons. China and Russia are outpacing the field in the development of such weapons, and North Korea has embarked on the same path.

As hypersonic missiles fly irregularly, it is extremely difficult to track them. Chief Cabinet Secretary Matsuno Hirokazu at a press conference on October 18, asked from reporters about China's hypersonic speed weapons, admitted that Japan does not have the capability to cope with such weapons and stated, "It would be difficult with our present military equipment."

To deal with hypersonic missiles, it is necessary to build a new intercept capability from scratch, which would only bring about yet another arms race.

Regarding China, the JCP has been calling for an inclusive approach establishing a regional peace order which includes China, not an exclusive approach establishing a military alliance laying siege to China.
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