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2021 November 3 - 9 [SOCIAL ISSUES]

JCP takes part in ‘Global Day of Action for Climate Justice’

November 7, 2021

On November 6, as part of the Global Day of Action for Climate Justice, the Japanese Communist Party took to the streets near Tokyo’s Shinjuku Station to increase public support for the realization of a zero-carbon society, distributing the “JCP 2030 strategy” pamphlets to passersby.

Delivering a speech, JCP member of the House of Representatives Kasai Akira noted that with Prime Minister Kishida’s speech at the COP26 summit which showed Japan’s continuing reliance on coal-fired power generation, Japan received the “Fossil of the Day” award. He pointed out that many young Japanese disagree with Kishida’s position, and said that the government should listen to young people.

Kasai stressed that as the JCP has proposed, the achievement of a 60% cut in CO2 emissions by 2030 through decarbonization and the elimination of nuclear power plants will open the path for sustainable development. He said, “Let us replace the government that sticks to coal power in opposition to the world trend.”

JCP member of the House of Councilors Kira Yoshiko said, “The current generation of adolescents and the coming generation will be heavily impacted by climate change. It is necessary to realize policies that respond to young people's demand for immediate action to deal with the climate emergency. I’ll do my utmost to put a stop to global warming and achieve a decarbonized society.”

JCP Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly member Satoyoshi Yumi expressed her determination to work hard to implement concrete measures so that CO2 emissions in Tokyo, the largest energy consumer in Japan, will be halved by 2030.

Along with JCP lawmakers, Democratic Youth League of Japan Vice Chair Nakayama Ayumi delivered a speech, appealing for the need to shift away from neoliberal policies that obstruct the fight against climate change.

Past related article:
> JCP publishes strategy to tackle climate crisis as part of platform for forthcoming general election [ September 2, 2021]

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