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2021 November 17 - 23 TOP3 [SOCIAL ISSUES]

Top court justices who rejected dual surname system receive many 'no' votes against them in national review

November 19, 2021

In a national review of the 15-member Supreme Court justices held along with the general election late last month, all eleven contested judges won the confidence of voters. However, the four judges who received the most "non-confidence" votes are those who had disapproved a selective dual-surname system for married couples.

Lawyer Izumi Tokuji, 82, who sat on the top court bench between 2002 and 2009, stated, "The national review outcome shows the clear division of opinion among voters concerning the family name issue. It mirrors the growing public movement in opposition to Article 750 of the Civil Code which stipulates that 'a husband and wife shall share the same surname'."

Izumi concluded, "More and more people in Japan are becoming in favor of the introduction of a dual-surname system."

Past related article:
> JCP Kurabayashi protests against top court ruling recognizing that imposition of the mandatory common surname is 'constitutional' [June 24, 2021]
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