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HOME  > 2010 August 11 - 17
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2010 August 11 - 17 TOP3 [HISTORY]

Shii at Mindan’s ceremony pledges Japan-South Korea friendship

August 16, 2010
On August 15, the Central Head Office the Korean Residents Union in Japan (Mindan) celebrated the “return to light” ceremony marking the 65th year of the liberation of the Korean Peninsula from Japanese imperialism at the Hibiya Public Hall in Tokyo. This year is also the centennial of Japan’s annexation of Korea by force.

Representatives of Japanese political parties attended the ceremony. On behalf of the Japanese Communist Party, Chair Shii Kazuo attended and gave a speech. He expressed his congratulations, saying “To you, today is the day of joy of your liberation from Japan’s control. On this day, I mourn for the victims of Japan’s war of aggression and colonialist rule, and renew the JCP determination to never allow Japan to err again.”

Citing the historical fact that Japan’s annexation of Korea was perpetrated by the aggression of the Japanese Army and by militarily suppressing the Korean people’s resistance, Shii stated that the JCP holds the position that the annexation treaty was illegal and unjustifiable, which Japan imposed by military coercion. He said that the historical record urges Japan and South Korea to share the recognition of the realities of Japan’s colonialist rule. He went on to say, “I believe that only by honestly acknowledging the error of the past can Japan win true friendship from other Asian countries.”

He explained that the JCP in the prewar period struggled in solidarity with the strong independence movements in Korea. He said that the JCP will do its utmost regarding the following three points to establish true friendship between Japan and South Korea: (1) to not allow any backpedaling attempts to justify Japan’s past war of aggression and its colonization; (2) to establish a peaceful environment in Northeast Asia; (3) to realize as soon as possible local suffrage for permanent foreign residents in Japan.
-Akahata, August 16, 2010
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