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2022 January 26 - February 1 [POLITICS]

LDP and Komei delete 'China' and 'condemn' from draft Diet resolution condemning China's human rights abuses

January 26, 2022
Japanese Communist Party Secretariat Head Koike Akira on the BS-Fuji program "Prime News" aired on January 24, regarding a "resolution condemning human rights abuses in China" which is expected to be adopted by the Diet in the current session, said that the resolution should urge the Chinese government to eliminate human rights violations and the Japanese government to make diplomatic efforts to encourage China to abide by international human rights codes.

Reportedly, after the ruling Liberal Democratic and Komei parties negotiated amendments to the initial draft of the resolution, the wording "human rights violations" which existed in the original text has been changed to the "human rights situation". The words "condemn" and "China" have been deleted from the name of the original resolution.

Koike said, "If this is the case, what will the resolution be for? A resolution with neither pointing a finger at China nor referring to the human rights questions there could be an opposite message condoning China's human rights violations."

Koike pointed out that the amended draft of the resolution does not even mention the approaching Beijing Olympics, and said, "The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination notes that up to one million Uyghurs are involuntarily held in political camps in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Such mass detention is incompatible with the Olympic Charter. Without pointing the problem in the light of the 'Universal Declaration of Human Rights', the 'UN International Covenants on Human Rights' and the 'Vienna Declaration' with which China itself supports, the resolution won't be effective."

Past related articles:
> JCP Shii urges China to end human rights oppression and abide by Olympic Charter [December 14, 2021]
> JCP criticizes China’s outrageous acts in contrast to weak-kneed LDP and Komei actions [July 1, 2021]

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