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2022 May 18 - 24 TOP3 [POLITICS]

Shii comments on Finland and Sweden's NATO bids

May 20, 2022

"We criticize military alliances for bringing about vicious cycles of 'military responses' and running counter to peace. As clearly stated in our party Program, we look to a world without military alliances. From this standpoint, we have opposed NATO expansion. This stance will not change," said Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo on May 19 when asked by reporters for a comment on Finland and Sweden's official applications to join NATO.

He added, "The JCP will oppose any argument calling for the 'strengthening of the Japan-U.S. military alliance' by taking advantage of their NATO membership bids."

Shii pointed out that the situation is different in East Asia from that in Europe. "In East Asia, a multinational military alliance like NATO does not exist. Instead, East Asia has the regional community for peace, ASEAN, which consists of non-aligned nations."

Pointing to the East Asia Summit (EAS), a forum for dialogue which is made up of ten ASEAN nations plus eight countries including Japan, the United States, and China, Shii explained, "ASEAN has a vision to expand this forum in order to establish a treaty of amity and cooperation covering the entire East Asia in the future."

"This is the situation in East Asia, which is not like that in Europe. Diplomatic efforts based on the war-renouncing Article 9 of the Constitution are all that Japan should do to contribute to making East Asia a truly peaceful region."

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