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HOME  > 2010 July 28 - August 3
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2010 July 28 - August 3 [LABOR]

Union calls for minimum wage increase for economic recovery

July 29, 2010
Union workers on July 28 took part in a day of action demanding the elimination of poverty and fostering an economic recovery through a drastic increase in the minimum wage.

In front of the Health, Labor, and Welfare Ministry building, they held a sit-in action by holding placards reading, “We can’t live on the present minimum wage! Raise the minimum wage immediately!”

Zenroren Secretary General Odagawa Yoshikazu in his speech urged the government to take immediate action based on the agreement made in June between the government, labor, and management to increase the minimum hourly wage to 800 yen without delay.

Zenroren Labor Bureau Research Director Ito Keiichi said that in order to reduce the financial difficulties facing small- and medium-sized enterprises, the government should change its policy to one led by domestic demand through increasing its budget for small- and medium-sized businesses as well as the minimum wage.

About 2,000 workers attended the rally held at the Hibiya Amphitheater. Delegates of various industrial and local unions appeared on the stage.

A delegate of the Osaka Federation of Trade Unions (Osaka-roren) said, “With the present minimum hourly wage, we have to work as long as 14 hours a day in order to earn the same amount of income as provided under the livelihood protection benefits program.”

On the previous day, many local Zenroren union members attended various actions, including a hunger strike held in front of a local labor office building.
- Akahata, July 29, 2010
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