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2022 September 7 - 13 TOP3 [POLITICS]

Near-majority of sitting LDP Dietmembers linked with Moonies

September 9, 2022

Nearly half or 179 of the 379 Liberal Democratic Party Dietmembers have had relations with the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, known as the Moonies or formerly the Unification Church, and related organizations, the LDP announced on September 8 based on the responses submitted by all its parliamentarians. The party made public the names of 121 of the 179 lawmakers.

The LDP instructed only the incumbents to conduct the self-check, while showing no intent to investigate former Prime Minister Abe Shinzo’s ties with the Moonies. In addition, the party excluded Lower House Speaker Hosoda Hiroyuki and Upper House President Otsuji Hidehisa from the probe on the grounds that they left the LDP caucuses in their respective chambers after assuming their posts.

Later on the same day at a press conference in the Diet building, asked by the press corp for a comment on the LDP’s announcement, Shii said, “The LDP should investigate in a sincere manner why its lawmakers formed ties with the Moonies. Without leaving the matter to its parliamentarians, the LDP should take the initiative in obtaining and disclosing the truth behind the Moonies ties.”

Asked about the LDP’s stance to exclude ex-PM Abe from the investigation, Shii pointed out that Abe was deeply connected with the Moonies. He stated, “It is unacceptable for the LDP to turn its back on the investigation under the pretext of respect over Abe’s death. The LDP has the responsibility to thoroughly probe into the Abe-Moonies links.”

Shii also stressed that the LDP should clarify the whole picture of its half-century of murky ties with the Moonies as well as with the Moonies-affiliated International Federation for Victory over Communism.

Asked for a comment about the fact that the LDP’s announcement came after off-session Diet meetings which dealt with Abe’s state funeral, Shii said, “The LDP should have explained the self-inspection results before the Diet meetings because the meetings were held to discuss the state funeral for Abe who had particularly deep relations with the Moonies.”

Past related article:
> It is unacceptable for LDP to deny accountability for its murky ties with Moonies [July 29, 2022]
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