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2022 September 7 - 13 [POLITICS]

LDP colludes with Moonies on anticommunism stance

September 10, 2022

The "Korean centrism" and "anti-Japanese policy" of the Moonies contradict what former Prime Minister Abe Shinzo, who was a historical revisionist and a key person of the rightist organization Nippon Kaigi, insisted on.

While tolerating such discrepancy, why is it that the Liberal Democratic Party has maintained a strong and enduring collaborative relationship with the Moonies (former Unification Church) for more than half a century?

Fundamentally, the Moonies stand on the policy of extreme anticommunism. They have been calling for "victory over communism" and "annihilation of communists" for decades. In order to achieve their goal, they established the International Federation for Victory over Communism. The first president of this anticommunist group in Japan was the same person as first president of the former Unification Church in Japan.

Together with the former Unification Church, the Korea Central Intelligence Agency (KCIA) was involved in setting up the International Federation for Victory over Communism as a global network of anticommunism conspiracies. The Fraser Committee of U.S. Congress in 1978 revealed this collusion in its report.

The late Kishi Nobushuke, who was prime minister at that time and the grandfather of former PM Abe, played a central role in bringing the former Unification Church to Japan. Kishi in 1968 helped to launch the International Federation for Victory over Communism in both South Korea and Japan.

A long-time aide of an LDP Dietmember told Akahata, "The LDP has had a relationship with the International Federation for Victory over Communism rather than with the Moonies in their conduct of antisocial activities. Anticommunism is where we both have long shared common ground. Tracing back to the days of former PM Kishi, the party has had a long history of conservative politics together with that organization."

Overlooking the contradiction with the Moonies' anti-Japanese policy, the LDP has built up collaborative ties with the antisocial cult organization based on anticommunism as common ground.
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