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2022 September 28 - October 4 TOP3 [POLITICS]

Extra-Diet session finally convened

October 4, 2022

The 210th extraordinary Diet session was finally convened on October 3 after repeated calls from the general public and opposition parties demanding the holding of the session.

Prime Minister Kishida Fumio in his policy speech was not remorseful about former PM Abe's "state funeral" and LDP-Moonies corruption while showing his intent to move forward with Japan's huge military buildup and its possession of an enemy-strike capability or counterforce capability. PM Kishida expressed his hope that a motion for constitutional amendments will be proposed.

Associated with the opening of the extraordinary session, the Japanese Communist Party held its Dietmembers' general assembly in the Lower House Dietmembers' office building. JCP Chair Shii Kazuo pointed out that the Kishida government is reaching an impasse amid the wave of public distrust and anger at the present state of politics, and that Diet discussions will take place when public opinion of the LDP has significantly changed.

He said, "We will grill the Kishida government over the issues concerning the 'state funeral', LDP-Moonies links, and its inability to adequately tackle rising prices and the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, we will work to stop the government from going forward with arms expansion and from moving toward adverse revision of the war-renouncing Article 9 of the Constitution."

Shii called on all JCP Dietmembers to go into Diet debate by presenting constructive proposals meeting people's demands.

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