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HOME  > 2022 October 26 - November 1
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2022 October 26 - November 1 [POLITICS]

JCP Shiokawa grills PM Kishida about resignation of Moonies scandal-tainted minister

October 26, 2022

Japanese Communist Party member of the House of Representatives Shiokawa Tetsuya on October 25 at a House plenary meeting grilled Prime Minister Kishida Fumio about the Economic Revitalization Minister’s resignation due to his deep ties with the antisocial cult Family Federation for World Peace and Unification known as the Moonies (former Unification Church).

JCP Shiokawa pointed out that although Yamagiwa was forced to step down due to fierce public anger at his deep connection with the Moonies, he showed no sign of remorse for having close relations with the cult.

Shiokawa also pointed out the fact that Yamagiwa repeatedly attended meetings hosted or supported by the Moonies and met with Unification Church head Haku Ja Han. In addition, the JCP lawmaker said that Yamagiwa was deeply involved in the establishment of an organization which plays a central role in the Moonies’ political activities as evidenced by his involvement in the formation of an Asia-Pacific regional body of the International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace (IAPP).

Shiokawa criticized PM Kishida for appointing Yamagiwa as a Cabinet minister without investigation into his ties with the Moonies and for defending Yamagiwa even after many facts indicating his deep connection with the Moonies surfaced one after another. The JCP lawmaker said that Kishida’s responsibility in this matter should severely be called into question.

Furthermore, Shiokawa stressed, “What PM Kishida should do now is to thoroughly investigate the Liberal Democratic Party’s ties with the Moon cult,” and urged Kishida to seek the issuance of a dissolution order to the Unification Church as requirements for issuing the order have already been met.

PM Kishida refused to give answers to the JCP lawmaker while saying, “I’d like to express my regret for Yamagiwa’s resignation during the Diet session. I’m aware of my responsibility for his appointment.”

Past related article:
> Economic revitalization minister resigns due to his deep ties with Moonies [October 25, 2022]

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