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2022 December 7 - 13 [POLITICS]

Amid doubts over effectiveness, bill regarding relief of Unification Church victims enacted

December 11, 2022

A bill to offer relief to victims of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (the former Unification Church or the Moonies) was approved and enacted at a House of Councilors plenary session on December 10, the final day of the 210th extraordinary Diet session.

The Japanese Communist Party voted against the bill on the grounds that it is not sufficiently effective to relieve Unification Church victims. The ruling Liberal Democratic and Komei parties as well as the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, the “Nippon Ishin no Kai” party, and the Democratic Party for the People voted for the bill.

In discussions prior to the vote, JCP lawmaker Nihi Sohei criticized the bill for failing to face up to the extent of damages caused by the Moonies. He demanded that the bill be revised in line with the JCP proposal so that acts of soliciting donations from people under the influence of propaganda will be banned.

Nihi pointed out that the government admitted that even if the victims prove that their donations were made through acts prohibited under the bill including suppression of the free will of donors, they will not be able to retrieve their fortunes donated to the Moonies cult. He said that the bill should accept the JCP proposal and regulate donations made under brainwashing conditions in order to enable the victims to claim their right to the cancellation of any endowment and enable the government to issue instructions and orders to eliminate such donations.

Nihi also pointed out that many children of Unification Church followers have stood up to reveal Moonies-related damages because the ruling LDP is reluctant to take action to support the victims though the party plays a role in expanding damages. He said, “The underlying cause of the LDP-led government’s negative stance is the LDP’s half century-long ties with the Moonies anti-communist ideology, pro-constitutional revision aspirations, and hostility toward gender equality. The party and the cult have supported each other to increase their mutual interests.” He urged the government to work immediately to strip the Moonies of its religious corporation status.

Past related articles:
> Koike: Probe deeper into Abe family's half-century-long tie with Moon cult [November 8, 2022]
> JCP demands removal of religious corporation status for Unification Church [October 19, 2022]

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