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2023 February 8 - 14 TOP3 [POLITICS]

Japan affirms commitment to promote joint 'Quad' IAMD

February 14, 2023
Japan has already affirmed its commitment to work jointly with the Quad (U.S.-Australia-Japan-India) to promote an Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD) network to encircle China.

This is specified in the U.S. Air Force Indo-Pacific Command's "IAMD Vision 2028". The IAMD is a system to integrally engage in enemy-base missile strikes, aerial defense, and missile defense.

Japanese Communist Party Chair Shii Kazuo raised this vision on January 31 at a meeting of the House of Representatives Budget Committee. At that time, however, Prime Minister Kishida Fumio told Shii that Japan "will not participate in the U.S. IAMD."

The IAMD Vision 2028 expresses concern that if unsuccessfully countering China within the first chain of islands which stretches from the Japanese archipelago to the Philippines, this could allow the Chinese presence in and beyond the second chain of islands through to Guam. According to the vision, the U.S. intends to build up an integrated IAMD system with its allies in order to protect its defense line from China.

The U.S. IAMD is premised on preemptive attacks, targeting not only military bases but also command/control centers, government facilities, and infrastructure. Japan's Self-Defense Forces may take part in such strikes under U.S. command. Japan's pacifism is reaching a critical crossroad.

Past related articles:
> Draft outline of 3 key security documents proposes introduction of 'IAMD' system [December 11, 2022]
> Shii calls for snap election to seek popular mandate if gov't intends to push through major arms buildup [January 27, 2023]
> The quad is 'quasi-military alliance' [September 26, 2021]
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