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HOME  > 2010 July 14 - 20
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2010 July 14 - 20 [SCANDAL]

Citizens’ panel calls on prosecutor to indict Ozawa

July 16, 2010
A citizens’ inquest panel on July 15 concluded that it was unjust that prosecutors decided not to indict former Democratic Party of Japan Secretary General Ozawa Ichiro for his alleged involvement in falsified reports on his political funding.

A special task force for the Tokyo District Public Prosecutor’s Office investigated the allegation that Ozawa’s political fund managing organization in a 2007 fund report failed to include 400 million yen which was the repayment of a debt to buy land and 150 million yen which was donated from other organizations.

The prosecutor’s office indicted Ozawa’s two aides but decided not to indict Ozawa due to lack of evidence.

The panel’s nonbinding decision calls on prosecutors to reopen the case. If the prosecutor’s office again makes the same decision, the panel will be unable to overturn that decision.

Later on the same day at a news conference, Japanese Communist Party Diet Policy Commission Chair Kokuta Keiji said, “It is essential for the Diet to determine Ozawa’s political and moral responsibility and to disclose full information about his involvement in the scandal. Ozawa should provide sworn testimony in the Diet.”
- Akahata, July 16, 2010
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