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HOME  > 2010 July 7 - 13
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2010 July 7 - 13 [OKINAWA]

Okinawa Assembly calls for reexamination of US base relocation

July 10, 2010
The Okinawa Prefectural Assembly on July 9 unanimously adopted a written statement calling on both the Japanese and U.S. governments to reconsider the latest Japan-U.S. agreement on moving the U.S. Futenma Air Station to Nago City’s Henoko district.

The statement criticizes the agreement as completely ignoring the demands of Okinawans, expressing the opinion that Okianwans will not accept the agreement.

In regard to the fact that Prime Minister Kan Naoto expressed his gratitude and made an apology for the base burden on Okinawans and that both chambers of the U.S. Congress adopted a resolution thanking Okinawans for hosting the U.S. military, the statement proclaims, “Okinawans are furious about such behavior because they seem to have no understanding of the sentiments of Okinawans who have had to shoulder excessive base burdens and are now being pushed into accepting another base burden.”

Before the vote, four assembly members affiliated with the People’s New Party walked out of the assembly hall.
- Akahata, July 10, 2010
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